Six key partners in Herzogenaurach have joined forces to set a milestone for climate action in Herzo.
The advances of climate change have shown that it’s no longer really enough to just ensure climate neutrality to save our planet, we need to act positively. Together, the six strong partners of Herzo United have set a common mission for their city: climate positivity.
Herzo United believes that concrete joint initiatives should not only compensate for emissions, but also actively implement climate protection measures and initiate a positive impact for a future worth living in Herzogenaurach.
Collaboration is key for our sustainable future and all citizens of Herzogenaurach are also actively encouraged and supported in shaping their own ecological footprint. People are empowered to act positively and enage in climate action by sharing their reach and knowledge of sustainability and climate protection.
What does climate positivity mean?
Climate positivity is about going one step further. The human-produced CO2 emissions should not only be compensated, but additionally something positive should be done for our planet through joint environmentally conscious initiatives.
Why is it important to act climate-positive?
Human activity creates greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane, which are stored in the earth’s atmosphere. The consequence of CO2 in the atmosphere is that our earth is increasingly warming. As a result, our glaciers in the Arctic are disappearing, sea levels are rising and natural disasters are occurring. We will only be able to save our planet if we act together in a climate-positive way.

Awarded with the German mobility price, Schaeffler has designed an innovative & fully electric vehicle to contribute more sustainable concepts of mobility in and across Herzogenaurach.
Long-term thinking and responsible actions have always characterized the culture of the Schaeffler Group as a family business. To us, sustainability means enabling a future worth living by fostering the growth of the Schaeffler Group with a long-term view and continuity for the benefit of all stakeholders. Led by our company values sustainable, innovative, excellent, and passionate the company provides the basis for long-term, profitable growth.
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adidas strives to be a sustainable company and the campus bikes at World of Sports are just one expression of that.
For adidas, being a sustainable business means balancing the interests of shareholders on the one hand and the needs and concerns of employees, those in the supply chain and the environment on the other. adidas truly believes that acting as a responsible business that is unconditionally committed to respecting human rights contributes to lasting economic success.
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With the construction of a solar filling station next to PUMA’s car park in Herzogenaurach, the company is promoting & facilitating the use of e-mobility in the city.
As one of PUMA’s key values, sustainability is an integral part of all activities and the basis for working faster toward a more just and sustainable future. The global sporting goods manufacturer from Herzogenaurach wants to leave a positive footprint – a paw print – not only on the track and in the market, but also on its athletes and consumers. However, when it comes to the environment, PUMA is determined to reduce the company’s footprint.
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Herzo Werke
With the construction of the heat storage facility at the Herzo Werke in Herzogenaurach, it was possible to optimize the urban supply through the district heating network and create an environmentally friendly alternative with the help of long-term storage of excess renewable energies.
When it comes to the supply of drinking water, heat, gas and energy, the focus is on the benefit of the citizens in Herzogenaurach for the Herzo Werke. As a subsidiary of the city, the company does not strive for maximum profit, but wants to improve the infrastructure for the city sustainably, keep it intact and ensure a livable Herzogenaurach.
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The municipality of Herzogenaurach promotes a green cityscape to create a liveable city that has been recognized with the European Energy Award for sustainable energy & climate politics in Herzogenaurach.
The city of Herzogenaurach is committed to sustainable, resource-saving and socially accepta-ble development and contributes to the protection of the global climate as far as it can. It sees itself as responsible, on the one hand, to counteract climate change through suitable measures and, on the other hand, to take the necessary measures to reduce the damage potential for citi-zens, companies and infrastructure associated with the changed environmental conditions.
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At act.3, our purpose is to make our world a happier place and create real change in people’s lives. To be a purpose-driven company, we believe it is critical to embrace both holistic and transformative approaches to sustainability.
Our multidisciplinary sustainability team, act GREEN, facilitates this journey by offering strategic frameworks and implementing company-wide upskilling programmes (with our employees and stakeholders) to develop long-term thinking and a conscious mindset. Such focus and initiatives serve as a sustainability road map, integrating our dedication to environmental, social, economic, and personal development into the fabric of our work and company culture.
› Learn moreMore about the initiatives from the herzo united parters can be found here: